The guy from the Shamwow infomercials got into a fist fight with a hooker.

She lost:

Shlomi said that when he kissed Harris, she suddenly "bit his tongue and would not let go."
The moral of the story, NEVER kiss a prostitute.
Vincent Wills, who is representing Bosh, said: "Chris denies the non-support. We will be filing a reply at the end of the week."
If all of the points made in the case are true, Chris Bosh has absolutely bamboozled me and thousands of other people he’s come in contact with on an almost daily basis during the past six NBA seasons.
I like to scream
I like to yell
That's 'cause I'm sick
And I need help
The specialist won't hurt me
He's not like the nuns
He's got a lot of pretty pills
I think I'll take some yellow ones
Take me to the specialist
- Mr. Huberty
- Yes god
- You wouldn't happen to have any power tools?
(psychopathic laughter)
Wonderin' what would happen if Nancy Sinatra suddenly freaked out and
climbed a tree and decided she doesn't want to do 'These Boots are Made for
Walking' any more and all she ever wanted to do for the rest of her natural
life was hum the 'Theme to Swat'.
Poke out your eyes
And move to Portland
Kill your wife
And move to Portland
Burn down your home
And move to Portland
Come on everybody!
We're movin' to Portland
When we get to Graceland
We'll have to ride a bus
We'd better watch our language
Or the guards will beat us up
We'll get to make some cheap jokes
And buy cheaper souvenirs
If this were Disneyworld
I'd buy a pair of Elvis ears
Two, three, four!
Look out Stevie Ray Vaughn
Look out Charlie Sexton
Look out you cheesy Texas mother fuckers!
Don't try to tell me that you're an intellectual
Cause you're just another boring bisexual
"I met Andy Warhol at a really chic party"
Blow it out your hairdo 'cause you work at Hardees (When Rod says "Hardees"
there's the sound of a page turning)
80 pounds of make up on your art school skin
80 points of I.Q. located within
Out in the woods
Up to no good
I wanna make friends with the badger
Let's go dinin' on rocks and glass
Get the hiccups if we eat too fast
See how long our love can last
Let's go dinin' on rocks and glass
You are invited
To The Blood Orgy of the Atomic Fern
You are invited
So many things for you to learn
You are invited
You might wanna bring some extra dip
A case of RC Cola
And a couple of leather whips
Jellyfish heaven
Is not like Japan
Jellyfish heaven
Is not like Thailand
Jellyfish heaven
Is a lot
Like LA
Built ourselves a city
And we made it out of mud
We dried it off this morning
Out there in the desert sun
And we never do no working
Just sit and watch TV
Well, I finally found a city
Full of people just like me
Well we're gonna drag Bruce Springsteen
By his axe through our streets
By the time we're done The Boss
Will look like a side of beef
We've got plans for other wankers
Who might come through our town
Y'know we're going to rid the world
Of those Top-40 clowns
Then we're going to buy some bombs
Just like the big boys have
So don't call us losers
Or you might just make us mad!
Built ourselves a city
And we propped it up with wood
We were drunk when we made it
Hell! We did the best we could
And still we don't do no working
Just sit and watch TV
Well, I finally found a city
Full of people just like me
Someone tried to build a health spa
But we quickly burned it down
'Cause we don't want any healthy people
Ruining our town
Y'know, we used to have a K-Mart
We burnt that sucker too
'Cause they wouldn't let you in
Without a shirt or shoes
And we never paved the roads
We just bought VCR's
When you got good movies
Hell, you don't need any cars
Built ourselves a city
And we call it WiseGuyVille
And we made a few mistakes
Like putting children on the pill
And we never do no working
'Cause we got cable TV
Hell, I finally found a city
Full of people just like me
Someday we'll have a new land
From sea to shining sea
Someday we'll have a country
Full of people just like
Three men from western P.E.I. have been ordered to pay more than $500,000 in fines for dealing in illegal cigarettes.
The provincial fines levied were much higher than they would have been a year ago. Under amendments to the provincial act proclaimed last March 15, fines can equal five times the tax that was due if the cigarettes had been sold legally. Previously, the provincial fines were equal to the tax payable.
James Banks of Summerside, Donald MacArthur of Belmount and Joseph Hippenstall of Summerside were convicted under P.E.I.'s Tobacco Tax Act and the federal Excise Act after 1,750 cartons of cigarettes were seized on June 7. Fines were levied under both acts.
Banks and MacArthur were each charged $234,094.30 in provincial fines and $40,000 in federal fines and given three years to pay. Hippenstall was ordered to pay $2,794 in provincial fines and $1,000 in federal fines, with one year to pay.
If they don't pay their fines, the province can seize their assets, including their homes. The fines were handed down last week in Summerside provincial court.
The provincial fines levied were much higher than they would have been a year ago. Under amendments to the provincial act proclaimed last March 15, fines can equal five times the tax that was due if the cigarettes had been sold legally. Previously, the provincial fines were equal to the tax payable.